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Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Direct Store Delivery Systems

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Direct Store Delivery (DSD) software helps businesses streamline inventory management, improve order and delivery routes, and increase sales. However, adopting DSD software into your distribution business comes with its own set of challenges. Whether it’s the costs of getting started, getting your team on board with new processes, or ensuring the software fits your current way of doing things, it can feel overwhelming.

In this article, we’ll dive into each challenge and share some practical solutions to help you get the most out of your DSD software. By being proactive, you can make sure your investment pays off and see tangible improvements in your business.

Challenge 1: Initial Setup and Integration Costs

DSD route planning

Getting started with DSD software can be a significant investment, especially for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). You have to account for the cost of the software licensing or subscription, hardware, and IT infrastructure that might need upgrading.

Here are some specific costs to consider:

  • Hardware investments: Mobile devices with optional scanners and thermal receipt printers.
  • Software licenses or subscriptions: The ongoing costs for the software itself.
  • IT infrastructure upgrades: Networking equipment, better cybersecurity measures, and more storage capacity.

Beyond the financial side, there’s also the technical challenge of integrating DSD software with your existing systems, like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or Warehouse Management Systems (WMS). This process can be tricky and often involves:

  • Specialized expertise: You’ll need people who can connect these systems seamlessly.
  • Time investment: The setup can take time and might disrupt your daily operations.
  • Risk of downtime: There’s always a risk that business activities could be interrupted during the transition.


Consider cloud-based DSD software that includes both the backend ERP and mobile solution to simplify this process. These solutions offer a few key advantages:

  • Lower upfront costs: Since the solution is cloud-hosted, you require minimal local IT infrastructure—just the ability to print to local printers. Opting for a subscription model reduces the barrier to entry by lowering upfront costs. Additionally, the subscription ensures you always have access to the latest software updates without the need for significant upfront investments.
  • Managed updates and security: The software provider handles updates, new features, and security, reducing the workload for your IT team. This allows you to reallocate resources to focus on selling more rather than managing infrastructure.
  • Remote access: With cloud-based systems, you can access your data from anywhere with an internet connection, making it easier to work remotely. It is always good to check with your internet service provider (ISP) to make sure your internet is running as fast as it can.
  • Scalability: These solutions can grow with your business, handling more data and expanding operations as needed.

Challenge 2: Training and Adoption by Staff 

DSD reps being trained

When you bring in a new DSD software system, it often means changing how your team works. This transition can lead to challenges, especially when getting everyone trained and comfortable with the new system.

Here are a few common hurdles you might face:

  • Resistance to change: Some employees may be set in their ways, preferring the old systems they’re used to. They might be hesitant to embrace new technology, especially if they don’t immediately see the benefits.
  • Different levels of tech skills: Not everyone on your team will be equally tech-savvy. This can lead to uneven adoption, with some people picking up the new system quickly, while others might need help.
  • Temporary dips in productivity: As your team learns the new software, you might see some slowdowns. The learning curve can cause temporary inefficiencies impacting productivity and customer service.


To tackle these challenges, your team will need a solid training and adoption plan.

Here’s what that might look like:

  • Get employees involved early: By including your team in the process from the beginning, you can reduce resistance and help them feel more invested in the new system.
  • Customize the training: Make sure your training sessions are tailored to your team’s different skill levels and learning styles. Also, using your customer and product data for training will help your team quickly become familiar with the software.
  • Introduce features gradually: Don’t overwhelm your team by rolling out everything at once. Start with the basics and add more features as they get comfortable.
  • Offer ongoing support: Make sure your team has access to training materials like recorded sessions, step-by-step guides, and the software's online knowledge base.
  • Monitor and adjust: Keep an eye on how well your team adapts. Gather feedback and tweak your training programs as needed.

Challenge 3: Customizing the DSD Solution to Fit Existing Business Processes

DSD Process Map

Every distribution business is unique, with its own processes and workflows that have been fine-tuned over time. Implementing standardized DSD software might not automatically fit your established procedures, leading to potential issues. 

Here are some areas where customization is often necessary:

  • Inventory management: You might have specific systems for tracking stock levels, reorder points, and product rotation that must work seamlessly with the new software.
  • Order processing: Your unique workflows, pricing structures, and customer-specific requirements have to be maintained in the new system.
  • Delivery scheduling: Established routing strategies and delivery windows should be replicated in the DSD software to avoid disruptions.
  • Reporting and analytics: Existing reporting structures and KPIs may need to be adapted to ensure continuous performance tracking.
  • Integration with existing solutions: It’s crucial to ensure the new software integrates smoothly with your existing systems to maintain operational continuity.


Working closely with your DSD software provider on customization is essential to ensure the software fits your business.

Here are some steps to make the process smoother:

  • Thorough process mapping: Before you begin, thoroughly document all your current processes. This will help you determine where customization is necessary and where the standard features of the DSD software can meet your needs. Keep in mind that while your new software may handle the same tasks, it might do so differently. It’s advisable to use the software for some time before considering any costly modifications.
  • Involve key stakeholders: Get input from employees across different departments. Their insights can help make sure all critical business requirements are covered.
  • Pilot testing: Test the customized solution in a controlled environment or with a small part of your operations first. This helps identify and fix any issues before you roll it out company-wide.
  • Phased implementation: Introduce customized features gradually, allowing for adjustments between phases to minimize disruptions.
  • Stay flexible: Be ready to make adjustments based on feedback and performance data.


Implementing Direct Store Delivery (DSD) software can be challenging, but with the right approach, these obstacles are manageable. Whether dealing with upfront costs, getting your team on board, or customizing the software to fit your business, choosing the right vendor can make all the difference.

Here’s what to look for in a DSD software provider:

  • Comprehensive onboarding support: This helps ensure a smooth transition during setup.
  • Customization options: Make sure the software can be tailored to your specific needs.
  • Ongoing technical support: Continuous 24/7/365 assistance is crucial for addressing issues after implementation.
  • Scalability: Choose software that can grow with your business as it expands.
  • Industry-specific expertise: A provider who understands the unique needs of the DSD industry will be better equipped to support you.
  • User-friendly mobile functionality: This will help with user adoption and efficiency in the field.

By partnering with a vendor that matches your business needs and provides robust support throughout the process, you can get the most out of your DSD system. This means improved efficiency, fewer errors, and happier customers in your distribution operations.

Ready to see how DSD software can work for your business? Schedule a personalized demo of DSD Manager today and discover how it can optimize your direct store delivery business.

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