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New iPhone DSD App

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We are proud to announce the release of our new iPhone Full DSD Delivery App! Now your route salespeople can utilize Apple iPhones® or iPads® to place orders, make deliveries, and more.

With a rugged case and the Brother 4’ thermal printer, the iPhone solution combines affordability and the latest technology with DSD expertise unmatched in the industry.

Our app supports both Cellular (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint) and Wi-Fi connections, allowing your salesforce to transmit transactions in real time.

DSD Manager iPhone

Here are some of the exciting features available in the new iPhone App (iPhone Plus, iPod touch, iPad):

  • Invoice/Delivery – create sales invoices with support for returns, buybacks, and samples and send in real-time
  • Pre-Order – create and send pre-orders in real-time
  • Printing – 4” Mobile printing supported for orders, invoices, pick slips, …etc
  • Order & Invoice Emailing – the user can email invoices, orders, receipts and end of day settlement reports.
  • Credits – enter a reason code for Returns, Buybacks, Samples
  • DEX – Full DEX functionality (& custom built DEX Cable) supported for iOS
  • Asset Auditing – audit assets at customer locations with GPS
  • GPS Tracking – all transactions are GPS-stamped so you know the exact location of where an order was taken, invoice generated, and asset scanned
  • Multi-Vending – service one customer on behalf of multiple vendors at the same time!
  • Surveys – create surveys to collect store level information
  • Driving Directions – integrated with Google & Apple Maps for driving directions
  • Promotions – view/apply promotions by customer
  • Routing – the sequence which customers should be serviced by day
  • Un-Serviced Reasons – record reasons why a customer was not serviced on a scheduled day (with GPS)
  • Inventory – transmit Load Requests with on-hand visibility & transfers in real-time
  • Customer Notes – Add/Sync customer notes with back office
  • Sales Templates – Create custom or Sales History templates.
  • Sales History – Ability to view item sales history at the time of a sale
  • Store Stamp Capture – Take a picture of the store stamp and have it upload with the invoice
  • Real-Time Communication – Send Invoices, Orders, and Load Requests as they happen!
  • Driver Activated promos – give your driver the ability to apply promos on the fly
  • Electronic Proof of Delivery – customers can sign at the time of order creation or delivery
  • Time Clock – track driver breaks with our custom time clock
  • Physical Inventory – do a periodic truck inventory and customer inventory (SBT)
  • Transfer of Product – transfer product back to the warehouse or truck
  • Visibility to open A/R with reporting – print a copy of each customer’s open accounts receivable on the spot!

Contact us today! call (888)550-4700 or email us at

DSD Manager

Streamline Your DSD

Win more sales and customers with DSD Manager, our Route Accounting Solution created specifically for your distribution business’s needs.
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